A schoolboy from England gave every girl in the class a red rose

You don’t have to be an adult to do masculine things. This simple truth is very well understood by an 8-year-old boy from Lincolnshire (England), Callum Drew. On February 14, Valentine’s Day, this young gentleman congratulated all the girls in his class and presented each with a beautiful rose. But the most important thing is that the boy did not ask his parents for money for flowers, but earned it himself.


The Metro newspaper wrote about the real male act of Callum.The custom of giving flowers Callum came up with himself. Interestingly, the custom of congratulating girls from their class at Lacey Gardens School

Happy Valentine’s Day Callum came up with it himself 3 years ago when he was in first grade. In past years, he helped his grandmother, who ran a flower shop and was rewarded with roses for girls.


Unfortunately, however, Callum’s grandmother passed away earlier this year. And in order not to break the tradition, the boy was forced to look for another way to earn money for gifts to classmates. After consulting with his parents, Callum decided to take up washing cars.

“My son worked from early morning until late at night. And when it got dark, I had to drive him home by force. In a few days, he washed 10 cars and earned enough money to buy flowers for the girls, ”the boy’s mother, Stacy Drew, told reporters.

The car wash money was enough to buy 68 beautiful roses. Therefore, this year Callum was able to congratulate not only his classmates, but also girls from parallel classes. “I went around all the classes and gave each girl a rose. They were just delighted – jumping and squealing with joy, ”says Callum.

In addition, according to Stacey, the boy even had money left to buy a big gift for his best friend. True, what exactly he chose, Callum did not tell his mother. “I am proud that my son is so considerate of other people’s feelings. And I hope that over the years this trait of his character will only become stronger, ”Stacey admitted to reporters.

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